
The Deona operations includes several production farms and a packhouse in the Letsitele area in Limpopo. We produce lemons, grapefruits, avocados (2024), madarins (2023) and early and late Valencias.

The packhouses is a chemical-free facility which has the capacity to pack all varieties with a state of the art packaging machinery.

Fruit production farms

The Deona farms are situated in the Letistele and Tzaneen area, Limpopo. This area is characterized by hot semi-arid climate located between the 20 and 30 latitudes of the subtropical climate.

This climate tends to have hot summers and warm to cool winters with minimal precipitation. This makes the region perfect for cultivating citrus, because of the mild and almost frost-free winters.

Moisture is a challenge, but we irrigate to ensure that moisture stress do not suppress production and growth. The sandy soils are good for citrus production to combat wet roots.

According to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system the farms are in the BSh region.

The oranges are almost full grown.

Well valued workers pick and pack our fruit with atmost care.

Fresh picked oranges.

The Lebata river is Deona’s natural water source for irrigation.

Water bassins for irrigation work by gravity.

New trees are well selected and moist. They are nursed to become Deona’s full grown fruit trees.

deona orange fruit

Pest management system

We have an integrated pest management system in place whereby the spraying of chemicals is kept to minimum and natural predators are released to help control pests.

Citrus fruit growth cycle

Citrus trees produce blossoms in spring and the fruit develops through spring and summer ripening for harvest in late autumn and early winter. Citrus fruit is segmented and has a thick skin.

Citrus season

Our citrus season starts in February with lemons and continues until September/October when the last oranges are harvested.

The taste of fruit

The fruit is usually peeled before consumption and the skin is generally discarded. All citrus fruit contain citric acid and ascorbic acid, better know as Vitamin C. Citrus fruits are characterized by their sharp flavour and some citrus types, such as lemons, are sour to the taste, while others are sweet.  The fruits generally have a strong fragrance.

Large fruit industry in South Africa

Citrus fruit is one of the most popular and widely produced fruit types globally. Based on production volumes, citrus fruit is the largest fruit industry in South Africa, and is largely focused on export markets. South Africa is the second biggest citrus exporting country.

Avocado production farms

Avocado is close to citrus crops, so its cultivation is close to the regions where our citrus fruits are grown. The rich and creamy Hass variety makes up the vast majority of the production, while a few other farms grow a variety of rarities like Ryans and Fuerte.

Our organically grown avocados must meet a number of specifications and requirements that increase cost of production. However, as organic volume has increased the gap between conventional and organic pricing has narrowed.

Think of the great reasons to eat more avocados: the vitamins, healthy fats and minerals can help stave off metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Modern fruit packhouse

The packhouse was erected in 1991 and has been fully upgraded in 2020 to keep up with modern technology and to be more environmentally friendly.

A lot of effort is being done to make sure that fruit that comes into the packhouse facility, is been handled with care and that, where possible, is treated with chemical free products like eco-tizer. We also only use natural waxes on all the varieties.

Every single fruit is photographed 33 times and sorted according to size, colour and skin condition with the multi camera system that was installed in 2021.

Packing for different markets and clients can also be done all through the packing season.


All fruit undergo multiple tests at accredited laboratories.
PPECB inspectors are on site full-time during the packing season to ensure that the required standards are continuously met.

The total volume of the packed fruit is always checked on a scale.

In the climate controlled warehouse fruit is ready to be shipped.


Barcodes are used to streamline and register the production.

Environmentally responsible

Deona Export is a socially and environmentally responsible grower-exporter of fruit.
As such we subscribe and adhere to the vision and principles of certification.

All imported productes are done by certification as well and the cabbage is biologically grown. 

We’re here to help you

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